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KiNda SecRet LateLy c:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dream of Him?

3 hari berturut² saya bermimpikan sang arjuna yang sama.dan dia juga berkata kata² yang sama. Aku tidak faham pada mulanya. Bangun dari tidur seawal 6pagi. Aku terus menulis kata² beliau. Kalau lah aku boleh rakam mimpi itu. Macam real~ 

Kata² beliau (lebih kurang seperti ini..)

"Don't wanna do it today There's a part of me that wishes I could just forget But I haven't found the mercy yet. I'll forgive you tomorrow if the sun doesn't shine Let you back into my life when the oceans are dry Take you back when every shade of the rainbow turns gray But I just can't do it today. I lay there at night, trying to fall asleep But each time I close my eyes Memories of you flash through my mind But then I open my eyes and welcome myself back to reality Because I know now, you and I weren't ever really meant to be."

Aku pernah update di twitter " plz go away from my dream..!" But now i start to miss U. hope to see U in my dream again. I just want to say sorry....