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KiNda SecRet LateLy c:

Monday, February 14, 2011

cam cilaka OOo ko kan!

sabar itu separuh dari iman....

I dont know whats her problem with me
Memang dia 'macam tu' kali.....
Kalo xtau the history then u just shut your mouth la mandak!
Mungkin ko sedang baca...
Pandai juga ko cari blog aku yg comel ni kan...
mungkin dlm sehari mau 2 3 kali ko cek blog aku kan apa respon aku ttg status tu
F doh!
ko mmg cilaka!
For that girl, hell yeah! u r not matured as i thought..
ordy block n im heppi wth that.
Berambus kau!
shuuu shuu!
For my friend that i mention of his status apologize..
All is fact man....Aku x ckp bukan² n as i mentioned at the beginning,
I just gve my others friend to read it..."sama² beringat kan.."
Aku xtau lah pula 'org' tu slh erti...
so nice of u...
Nak mention nme ko...takut i pula yg femes..
malas lah nk kne wall to wall nanti..
tak manis org tgk KAN!
u cn read this blog tapi suka hati aku lah nak tulis ape..
Yang penting aku jujur ok.
Not desperate nak menyindir aku..
its not a good point ok.
Sedar²kan lah bf ko tu dulu..
takut kawin nnt kena suh baca Al-Quran..kelu lidah sbb tlmpau minum air setan!

Mohon undur diri,

Talk to my Hand girl!